
From online bookings to differentiating themselves from Uber-style lodging options, hotels have adapted to many changes over the years. Despite this, many hotels struggle to find a simple, secure, and easy way for their clients to book stays, customize with add-ons, and pay seamlessly. What they need is a modern hotel payment system that works directly with their own website.

But what are the key building blocks to a modern booking platform? Read on to discover the must-haves for a new and improved hotel payment system, and how Selfbook can help your hotel increase its bookings.

Seek Simplicity

While hotel bookings have become simpler over time, payments directly on hotels' own websites have not been modernized in years. There are a number of reasons for this, but the lack of a simple hotel payment system that is easy to use and integrate is chief among them.

Most customers today cannot easily navigate a booking system that lets them shop for bookings, customize their stay experience with add-ons and upgrades, and book flexibly without needing to use multiple platforms. The result is a booking and payment system that clogs the sales funnel, leading potential customers off-site and potentially elsewhere for their stay.

Selfbook is the only hotel payment system that simply incorporates all the needed features for bookings and payments into one platform. It makes the booking process easier for customers while anticipating the needs of hotel staff. It makes everything, from setting rates and add-ons to final payments, frictionless. That means more bookings with higher average order value, without unnecessary complications.

Think Mobile

Hotels have been slow to adopt mobile-first booking and payment systems, preferring the less-convenient in-person payments. Selfbook is the only direct hotel booking and payment platform that currently supports Apple Pay and almost every other form of one-step, mobile-based payment system. It makes booking and paying for a hotel entirely seamless for modern consumers.

Hotels house a broad range of clients. Offering easy payments for a varied customer base is essential for the modern hotel payment system. Rather than only accepting major credit cards, a system that can accept everything from Apple Pay to Google Pay and PayPal is far more enticing to today's travelers.

Secure Payments for Less

All of this simplicity and convenience is moot without ensuring your data and your clients' data is secure. That is why secure payments and data storage are a central element of Selfbook's hotel payment system. Selfbook uses transaction technology that is fully secure and compliant with PCI DSS standards to meet the needs of hotels and guests worldwide.

A New Kind of Hotel Payment System

When it comes to a safe, secure, simple, and flexible hotel payment system, Selfbook offers the full package. Our system creates a seamless experience for customers from the moment they start booking until they get their receipt. Increased bookings and average order value, as well as an easy-to-use booking system, are just one step away - get in touch with our team to modernize your hotel payment system and watch your direct bookings soar.